St Henry Morse Catholic Church, Diss

Through baptism, we enter the mystery of God's life and begin our welcome into the family of God, the Church. Baptism should be arranged through Fr Alex. Please contact him for details and to arrange a suitable time. Parents wishing to have their child baptised will be expected to take part in a parish preparation programme.
The Celebration of these Sacraments takes place in school year 3 (the year in which children reach the age of 8), or later. Our parish preparation programme begins in the autumn and details of how to register are published in the weekly newsletter in August/September. Parents are encouraged to take an active part in their child's preparation for these sacraments.
Confirmation completes our baptism and makes us full members of the Church, committed to being witnesses to Christ in the world. The current age for Confirmation in our diocese is during school year 10 (the year in which young people reach the age of 15), or above. Those being confirmed will be invited to take part in a parish preparation programme. For details of the next Parish Programme please contact Fr Alex.
Except in a few special circumstances when a dispensation is given by the bishop to marry in a non-Catholic church, a Catholic must celebrate marriage in a Catholic church. Couples are usually required to give six months notice of their intention to marry. It is important to contact Fr Alex to arrange a date for the wedding before making any other arrangements. Couples will be expected to attend a preparation programme.
This Sacrament (once called Extreme Unction) is a sacrament of God's healing love, strength and peace for those who are seriously ill, or weak through advanced age, or about to undergo major surgery. If you, or someone you know, would like to receive this sacrament please contact Fr Alex. It should be normal for a Catholic to seek this sacrament when they are seriously sick in some way.
The parish has an annual Mass during which the Sacrament of Anointing is celebrated. This usually takes place in July.
Being sick or housebound can make us feel cut off from the spiritual life of the church, especially from Mass. Receiving Holy Communion keeps us “in communion” with Christ and the Church at these times. Holy Communion can be brought to you at home by Fr Alex, or by a lay minister of Holy Communion. Please contact Fr Alex for making the necessary arrangements.
If you, a relative or friend, is due to be an in-patient at the Norfolk and Norwich, or any other hospital please contact the Catholic chaplain. Further details from Fr Alex
If you would like your house blessed contact Fr Alex to arrange a date.